Monday, December 24, 2012

Downhill Love

Confusion had taken over her so strongly that she did not know what to say. She stood there, looking beyond, looking everywhere, but him. Trying to register what just happened, she fidgeted with her hair, still dumb founded.
He looked at his childhood friend. They were meeting after almost 6 months. She looked beautiful even with the questioned look on her face. He had waited for 3 years, 5 months and 7 days for this day. Yes, it took him that long to figure out his feelings for her.
Under the Banyan tree, her favorite spot in the park, he told her; "I love you. I always have and I think you are the most beautiful woman ever. I was just too blind to see it myself. I kept running after other women when the only person I want in my life is you. I am sorry for not knowing it earlier."
She stared at her feet, gathering herself. She had wanted to hear this for the longest time in her life. She had loved him ever since she danced with him at a common friends party when she was 16. She would do anything for him. However, he had failed to see the love in her eyes.
Finally she looked up at him. Their eyes met. He tried looking for an answer in her eyes, but her face was masked. She did a good job of not revealing what she felt. After two minutes of eye locking, she finally said, "I am getting married in two months from tomorrow." She turned and left.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Mumbai, just another city?

Even though I am born in Pune, brought up in Mumbai, there is no doubt that there is a part in me that believes that Mumbai is undoubtedly the best city to live in. The road side food, the crowded beaches, Marine Drive, Worli seaface and the homely feel, are the things that make me love the city. But the real question is, is Mumbai really the best city to live in?

There is more to this financial capital of India to which we live blind folded and  are ignorant to.

Running a marathon year to year does not show the integrity of the city, we have to prove it daily.
Hundreds of women being eve teased daily, and people just stand and watch as if it is an entertainment show.
And if some one tries to help, they land up dying because the rest are coward enough to help. Where is the spirit then? There is no point having candle light marches and mourning over the dead when we can not stand up and fight for the right, fight for humanity.

Political gimmicks are just a part of daily routine. Something happens in Assam, let's have a protest in Mumbai. Burning up buses, tearing down houses and throwing stones at each other has become like a common thing. Moreover, festivals like Janamashti and Ganesh Chathurthi have been politicized in such a way that it is a game of who can entertain the public more. When will people start standing up for the city rather than being puppets for the political parties?

The crumbling infrastructure, cemented bodies hovering in every corner, leaving us no space to breathe. Breaking rules, proudly bribing the cops in return, the uncontrollable population and the unnerving traffic are nothing but the tip of an ice berg.

"Mi Marathi nahi", that does not mean I am not a part of this city or I love it any less. I love this city equally. This city is one which has nurtured me and made me who I am. I started traveling alone by local buses when I was merely 8 years old. This city has made me an independent and fearless woman, who can travel alone at 3 am safely.

But then there are days where I am forced to sit at home, from the fear that some goons are vandalising the city because they are grieving. Days like this makes me sad, not only seeing them vandalise, but the fact that we give in. We stay home.

A revolution is needed. A change. One that doesn't bind a single citizen from his right to speak, right to move about freely without fear and the right to enjoy life the way he wants to.

Cultural gaps may be there, but let's not make them an issue. India is known for it's culture and different religions, and Mumbai is a city where we see them all. Let that not be a cause for disintegrity, rather make it our strength.

Saying this, I feel Mumbai is still in its growing stage and if we really want to call it a good city to live in, we have a long way to go. It may be a good city to live in India, but in the world where do we stand?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Fly High

Flying high, up above, from down beneath I see them soar,
A pinch of pain, a broken heart,
My wings are clipped, I want to fly.

It is not anger, it is the pain,
Not of others, but the wings in vain,
Tears  have stopped, but my heart it aches,
A wishful thought is all it takes.

The pain is such, it makes you strive,
It makes you dream and want to fly,
Hopes you build, hard and strong,
Keep that smile, its where it belongs.

The watery eyes blurs the sight,
Look beyond, you need to fight,
Loosen up, don't be so uptight.

Eyes desire, wings of fire,
Achieve heights, never retire,
To fly the best, I aspire,
The birds above, they make me inspire.