Thursday, July 28, 2011

To Dream or Not...

Dreams are nothing but an illusion our peers taught us to see. Dream big, is what people say. But in the real world, it takes more than just a dream to be big. Being big. What is it? Is it called being successful, being rich, being happy or all of it. Apparently, if you are rich, means you are successful and thus are happy. But are you really happy. I believe a majority of the people are. I mean, in this clock functioning world where nothing works without money, where happiness is based on monetary goods, why would one not be happy if he has it. For all I know, I too would be a part of this blinded world had it not been for the profession I am in. 

I may not have achieved what i dreamed of, and yes, as natural human behavior I do feel saddened by the thought that what if I do not land up being what I want to...I too feel the constant pressure of thriving to do better and competing with a bunch of other junk heads and proving myself to be a good doctor. But its only when you actually take a step ahead, forgetting about your wants and opening your eyes to the millions of hearts which believe in you blindly, you realize that there is more to life than monetary happiness. 

The smile on a four year old when you play with him, the tears of a ninety year old female when you just hold her hand and say "it will be fine", the "thank you" of a worried mother whose child was sick, these are the moments when I am confused, whether to be happy that I am doing my duty as a doctor, or be worried that I am wanting to be a part of a rat race which at the end of it is going to turn me into a heartless, money minded, just another doctor. 

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